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CDC Announces, Vaccinated Individuals Can Assemble Unmasked & Indoors For Easter

CDC Announces, Vaccinated Individuals Can Assemble Unmasked & Indoors For Easter

ByNikki AttkissonApr 5, 2021

“Celebrate Easter with people you live with, virtually or outside maintaining 6 feet of distance. Enjoy Easter dinner and egg…

Manufacturing Blunder Causes Johnson & Johnson To Lose 15 Million Doses

Manufacturing Blunder Causes Johnson & Johnson To Lose 15 Million Doses

ByNikki AttkissonApr 3, 2021

A manufacturing mishap at an U.S. based plant, involved in making Covid-19 vaccines in large quantities, causes the pharmaceutical giant…

Fears Of Fourth Stage Surge Grow As Experts Urge Full Vaccination Before Americans Returned To Normal Activities

Fears Of Fourth Stage Surge Grow As Experts Urge Full Vaccination Before Americans Returned To Normal Activities

ByNikki AttkissonApr 3, 2021

As fears grew that the US may be hit with the fourth surge of Covid-19 cases, health experts were urging…

CDC Separates Itself From The Comment Of Dr Rochelle Walensky

ByNikki AttkissonApr 3, 2021

Dr Rochelle Walensky made a generalisation in her speech about vaccines and spreading of the virusThe director of the U.S.…

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