Chicago Resumes School Days After Feuding With Teachers Union

Chicago Resumes School Days After Feuding With Teachers Union

America’s 3rd largest school district finally returns back to studying in classrooms after various disagreements with the Teachers Union regarding covid safety.  Chicago parents Willie and Brittany have struggled for over a year to assist their 6 children in online classes.  Chicago Resumes School Days After Feuding With Teachers Union Construction worker Willie along with…

California County Reports Its First Two South African Variant’s Cases

California County Reports Its First Two South African Variant’s Cases

California’s first case of the South African strain of the coronavirus has been detected in the Bay Area, according to an announcement made by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday. Gov. Newsom said that the State has the first two reported cases of the South African variant, one in Stanford and the other in Alameda in…

Biden’s School Reopening Goal Receives Psaki’s Defense As Well As Wide Criticism

Biden’s School Reopening Goal Receives Psaki’s Defense As Well As Wide Criticism

The Biden administration’s definition to reopen schools during the COVID-19 pandemic has been defended by Jen Psaki, the Press Secretary of White House on Wednesday.  Psaki’s defense was followed by criticism that resuming some in-person teaching for at least one day per week in the country’s 50 % of schools for not setting a higher…

CDC Reports Double Masks For Better Virus Protection

CDC Reports Double Masks For Better Virus Protection

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Wednesday that wearing a double mask ie; a surgical mask under a cloth mask can provide greater protection from the tiny viral particles of the coronavirus. It is said to be CDC’s first report on mask-wearing tactics ever since the beginning of the pandemic last year. …